Form blocks (fields) and their purpose

Form fields are essential parts of a web form, enabling you to collect user information. In the Reform builder, they're presented as "blocks." You have various types to choose from, each with its own features. To find out more about each of them, keep reading this document.

Name block

A name field is used to gather the names of your visitors in a form. Once you add it, you can customize it for your needs. You can adjust the field's heading, placeholder, make it required for submissions, and more.

Email block

An email field is a simple field used for gathering the email addresses of your respondents. Once added, you can tweak it to suit your needs, like changing the heading, placeholder, making it a must for submissions, and more.

Phone block

Gathering your respondents' phone numbers is a breeze with the Phone field. Just add it to your form and adjust it to your preferences using the settings. You can include a placeholder, make it a must-fill, and even add a country flag that automatically adds the country code when users submit the form.

URL block

The URL block is straightforward. It works like any other field and can be customized just like them. But it comes with a handy extra feature: if users forget to add "https://" at the start of the URL, the field will add it automatically for them.

Short text and Long text blocks

Text fields are perfect for these types of questions where visitors type their answers manually. If you need short answers, go for a short text field. If you expect longer responses, a long text field is best. The main difference between them is that short text fields allow only one line, while long text fields allow multiple lines for longer answers.

Number block

The number field functions like any other field and can be adjusted just like them. Plus, it offers a useful extra feature: you can set minimum and maximum values for the answers. You can set these values by clicking on the settings icon on the left side of the field when you add the block to your form. 

Currency block

The currency field works like other fields and can be customized similarly. Like the number field, it includes the min-max values feature. Additionally, you can select the currency you want displayed in the field from the settings icon on the left. Options include US dollars, Canadian dollars, Australian dollars, British pounds, and Euros.

Percent block

The percent field works like other fields and can be customized similarly. Like the number and currency fields, it includes the min-max values feature. Additionally, it automatically adds the % sign at the end of the number entered by users, making it very convenient.

Checkbox block

The checkbox field is a small square box that users can click to select or deselect. You can add a question for the checkbox and include text next to it. Besides that, it works like any other field and can be customized similarly. You can change the heading, placeholder, make it required for submissions, and more.

Dropdown block

The dropdown field, also known as a dropdown menu, is a form element that presents users with a list of options in a dropdown menu. When users click on the dropdown, a list of options appears, and they can select one option from the list. It works like any other field and can be and can be adjusted just like them. To include a list of choices for users to pick from, you write them down in the “One option per line” field. You'll find this field when you add the Dropdown block to your form. Simply type each option, pressing Enter after each one. Once you save your form, these options will show up as individual choices in the dropdown menu. 

This is how it looks like in the builder when you add your options: 

This is when the form is published: 

Select one block

The single selection field lets you ask questions with multiple options, but respondents can choose only one. It works like other fields and also has features of the dropdown field: adding a list of choices. To add options, just type each one, pressing Enter after each.

Select multiple block

The multiple selection field is just like the single selection field, except users can choose more than one option, or even all of them.

Scale block

The scale field lets visitors pick a number to share their thoughts or feelings on a topic. It helps you understand opinions about your product/service. On the builder page, you can adjust the scale easily. You can change the range of numbers, label the start, middle, and end for clarity, and of course use all other features available for all fields.

Heading 1, Heading 2 and Text blocks

Heading fields are easy to understand. You can use them to put titles in your forms. They're just for text. The only difference is that Heading 1 is larger than Heading 2.

The text field is also pretty straightforward. You can include text, paragraphs, bullet lists, and links in your form using this feature.

Image and Embed blocks

You can use the image field to put pictures in your form, making it more engaging or showing something visually. Likewise, with the embed block, you can insert tweets, videos, or other media to make your form interactive and demonstrate things to users. To add an image, click the field or drag and drop it. To embed media, just paste the media's URL into the embed field.

File upload blocks

Please bear in mind that this block is available only to Pro accounts.

With a file upload field, you can gather particular files from your visitors, like resumes, designs, or reports. Respondents can upload files from their devices. The field works like other fields, allowing you to set requirements, such as making it mandatory. Once the form is published, users can choose a file or drag and drop one.

Hidden blocks

If you are embedding a form in a context where your users are logged in, asking them to provide their email addresses might be a little awkward. Instead of doing that, you can prepopulate certain fields by modifying the URL in the embed script. This works especially well with hidden fields in Reform (fields that aren't rendered in the form).

Key Features:

  • Fields can be prepopulated using URL query parameters, either by the field name or ID.
  • Automated URL Generation: Enter the desired value for the hidden field on the "Share" page, and the URL will automatically update to include the field name and value.

How to Use:

  1. Add a Hidden Block from the form builder dropdown.
  2. Name your hidden field by clicking inside the "Enter a column name" field.
  3. On the "Share" page, find your hidden field and enter the prepopulation value. The URL under "Copy link" will update automatically.

Alternative Method: You can also prepopulate the hidden field using its ID by manually modifying the URL. Obtain the field ID by clicking the ⚙️ icon in the form builder, and append it to the form URL with the desired value.

For example, if the field ID is "331149da-a744-4212-99eb-b5c899f86d31" and you want it to be prefilled with the text "John Doe", the URL will look like this: 

This block simplifies data management and enhances the functionality of your forms by allowing seamless integration of hidden parameters.

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