Blocks: Form Fields And Their Purpose

Form blocks on our platform are versatile elements used not only for collecting various types of data from users but also for structuring and enhancing the content of your forms. Each block type has unique features tailored to specific needs, whether for data collection or content presentation. This guide will help you understand the purpose of each block and how to make the most of them.

Input Blocks

These blocks are designed to collect various types of data from your users. Each input block can be customized by tweaking the heading, adding a placeholder, and setting it as a required field.

Name Block

The name block is essential for collecting visitor names, aiding in personalizing communications and ensuring accurate user data.

Email Block

The email block gathers email addresses, crucial for follow-up communications, newsletters, and account verifications. This block validates the format of email addresses to ensure accuracy and optionally also has the ability to block free email providers.

Phone Block

The phone block is used to collect phone numbers. It validates phone numbers and offers an option to include a country flag that automatically adds the appropriate country code, enhancing the accuracy of collected phone numbers. The "Allow all countries" option enables this feature for international phone numbers.

URL Block

The URL block is designed for collecting website addresses. It automatically adds "https://" if the user forgets to include it, ensuring all URLs are correctly formatted.

Short Text and Long Text Blocks

  • Short Text Block: Ideal for brief responses.
  • Long Text Block: Suitable for detailed answers, allowing multiple lines of text.

Number Block

The number block is tailored for numerical inputs, useful for collecting data such as quantities, ages, or ratings. You can set minimum and maximum values to control the range of acceptable answers.

Currency Block

The currency block is used for financial information, allowing you to set min-max values and choose the currency symbol (e.g., USD, CAD, GBP, EUR).

Percent Block

The percent block collects percentage-based inputs, automatically adding a "%" sign and allowing you to set minimum and maximum values.

Checkbox Block

The checkbox block features a single square box that users can either check or leave unchecked, commonly used for yes/no questions or agreement to terms and conditions.

Dropdown Block

The dropdown block presents a list of options in a dropdown menu, ideal for questions with a predefined set of answers. Add options by typing each one on a new line. This block type is perfect for questions that have more than 3-4 possible answers.

Select One Block

The select one block allows users to choose a single option from multiple choices, useful for exclusive choice questions. For this block, you have the option to add an open-ended 'Other' choice from the block settings.

Select Multiple Block

The select multiple block lets users choose more than one option from a list, ideal for questions where multiple selections are valid.

Scale Block

The scale block is used to collect ratings or opinions on a numerical scale, allowing you to adjust the range and label the start, middle, and end points for clarity.

File Upload Block (Pro Accounts Only)

The file upload block allows users to upload files directly through the form, ideal for applications, submissions, or any form requiring file attachments.

Hidden Blocks

Using hidden blocks allows for seamless data integration and improved user experience by automatically filling in information that users would otherwise need to provide manually. This functionality is beneficial for various purposes, including collecting UTMs for marketing analytics and enriching data through pre-filled fields.

Key Features:

  • Fields can be prepopulated using URL query parameters, either by the field name or ID.
  • Automated URL Generation: Enter the desired value for the hidden field on the "Share" page, and the URL will automatically update to include the field name and value.

How to Use:

  1. Add a Hidden Block from the form builder dropdown.
  2. Name your hidden field by clicking inside the "Enter a column name" field.
  3. On the "Share" page, find your hidden field and enter the prepopulation value. The URL under "Copy link" will update automatically.

This block simplifies data management and enhances the functionality of your forms by allowing seamless integration of hidden parameters.

Content Blocks

These blocks are used to add informational content and structure to your forms.

Heading 1, Heading 2, and Text Blocks

  • Heading 1: Larger titles for main sections.
  • Heading 2: Subtitles providing a clear hierarchy.
  • Text Block: Includes paragraphs, bullet lists, and links to enhance the informational content of your form.

Image and Embed Blocks

  • Image Block: Adds pictures to make your form more engaging or visual.
  • Embed Block: Inserts media such as videos, tweets, calendars, or other interactive content by dragging and dropping the media or pasting the URL. You can find more information about embedding options, particularly how to embed a calendar, on this page.

By understanding and effectively utilizing these form blocks, you can create more dynamic, user-friendly forms tailored to your specific data collection needs. If you're experiencing issues or have questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We're here to assist you!

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