Responses: Viewing Responses (Including Partials)

This guide will show you how to view and manage responses for your form, including both complete and partial submissions. Understanding how to use the response management features will help you efficiently track and organize form submissions, ensuring you can quickly access and analyze the information you need.

How to View and Manage Responses

  1. View Responses

    Click on “Responses” in the menu on the left side of the form builder screen. You’ll be directed to a page where responses are categorized into “Complete” and “Incomplete” (note: "Incomplete" is available only for Pro accounts).

  • Complete Responses: Displays all submitted responses, including the date and time of submission.
  • Incomplete Responses: Shows responses that have been started but not yet completed.

Each submission appears on its own row, organized by the questions from your form. Click on any row to view the full details of that response.

  1. Search and Filter Responses
    • Use the search bar on the right side of the page to find specific responses. Enter keywords related to the information you are looking for, and the system will filter the results accordingly.

    • Filter by Tags: Responses can also be filtered by tags. Automatic tags like “Preview” help you identify responses made during form previews. To manage tags, click on a response, expand it, and use the “Assign tags” button to add or create new tags for better organization. You can read more about creating and assigning tags here

By following these steps, you can effectively monitor and organize your form responses, making it easier to handle and analyze the data collected.

If you're experiencing issues or have questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We're here to assist you!

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