Roles & Permissions

Our platform currently has a straightforward roles and permissions system designed to ensure a clear and secure management structure for teams. Here's everything you need to know about the roles and permissions on Reform:

Account Owner

  • Role: The Account Owner is the user who created the account or the team. This user has the highest level of access and control over the team's settings and management functions.
  • Permissions:
    • Access to shared forms and data within the team.
    • Ability to collaborate on form creation and management.
    • Full access to create, edit, and delete teams.
    • Ability to invite and remove team members.
    • Authority to change team names and customize form URLs.
    • Access to billing information and team settings.

Team Members

  • Role: Team Members are users who have been invited to join a team by the Account Owner. They participate in team activities but have limited permissions.
  • Permissions:
    • Access to shared forms and data within the team.
    • Ability to collaborate on form creation and management.
    • Cannot create, edit, or delete teams.
    • Cannot invite or remove other team members.
    • No access to billing information or team settings.

Currently, Reform doesn’t support changing roles or customizing permissions beyond the default settings described above. Only the Account Owner has the authority to make changes to the team's structure and settings. If you need an account ownership change, please contact us at [email protected] and we can do that for you.

We are continually working on improving our platform and may introduce more flexible roles and permissions management in the future. If you have any specific needs, suggestions or have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We're here to assist you!

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