How to customize the form URL

To update the URL of a form, you should first open the form you want to edit. Once you have opened the form, go to the top right corner of the page and click on "Form settings". 

After clicking on the "Form settings" option, a menu will appear on the right side of your screen. At the top of the menu you'll find fields for the title and slug of your form. The slug field allows you to customize the URL of this particular form.

Please note that changing the slug will only affect the last part of the URL for this specific form. If you want to alter the URL for the entire team, you can do so by accessing Team settings.

Once you have decided on how to customize the URL, enter the desired changes in the Slug field and click on “Publish changes” at the bottom of the menu to save (or “Save changes” if the form is still not published).

Now that you have customized your form, you can even share it. If you go back to the initial page, you will find the drop down menu and see “Share”. 

In there you can now share the link to your form. Additionally, you are able to embed the form into your website and connect your own HTL form. You can find these options at the top of the page, after clicking on “Share”. 

That’s it! You’ve got it! 

If you still have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send us an email: [email protected]

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